Sunday, 10 August 2008

Olympic Weather 10th August 2008

Well the Thunderstorms arrived right on cue for the the olympics taking a large edge off the temperatures. Temperatures today will be around 73 degrees with a continuing threat of rain and storms. Although the temperatures have dropped off the humidity is still intense and will sap the legs for any of the endurance athletes. A good time to be in the water cube!

Incidentally, while talking about the water cube, did you know that swimmers tend to move more quickly through colder water as it is less dense? The water that we may be used to in our swimming pools can feel like treacle to the trained swimmer. Other factors affecting their speed through water is the depth of the pool and the choppiness of the water surface. The chinese water cube has perfect conditions for speed swimming and that is why world records have already been smashed....expect to see more of these records tumble during the Beijing olympics.

Getting back to the weather forecast, it looks like the rain chances are going to continue with an ongoing threat of showers and storms, but the temperature will be pegged back into the 70's

Will the Chinese authorities need to use the rain dispersal plan that they have in place I wonder? We'll see!

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